Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Elevator Speech Template Examples - Basic 30 Second Introduction Scripts

An elevator speech remains one of the most important networking and marketing tools you have at your very disposal. Of course every business is different and it is all very well talking to people at networking events and so on, but how do you make sure you grab their attention? Is there a template that can be followed that allows you to come up with a 30 second introduction for YOUR business?

Actually there is a format that has proven success and can be applied to pretty much any business that aspires to have clients! Hopefully that is every business that wants to stay solvent!

There are some pre-requisites to achieving success with this approach and the main one is developing a clear idea of your ideal client and the issues with which they are struggling. Closely related is how you help them - what does your company do that solves the chosen challenges of your ideal client base.

Elevator Speech Template Examples - Basic 30 Second Introduction Scripts

Armed with that information, the more detail you have the better, here is the template to follow for any business:

Part 1: Who You are

Hi, My name is... from (company name)

That is all you need. Obviously if you are in a conversation already and someone asks you what you do you don't need to reintroduce yourself! You can also vary this along the lines of: "I'm Jerry and my company is..."

Most importantly, resist the temptation to expand this into a long explanation of where your office is located, when the business was founded, how many employees you have and so on. Shorter is better

Part 2: Who you help

We help (this target audience)...

Again, as short and targeted as possible. Avoid the temptation here to think everyone is your IDEAL client. Messages such as: "We work with anyone who owns a car" is too broad. There is leeway here to change the words as well of course. Pick a variation with which you are comfortable - we work with, we help, I am focused on etc.

Part 3: What problem do you address

Who have (this problem, issue or challenge)

You don't need to elaborate for minutes on end. Define the main problem you solve - not the solution at this stage.

Part 4: What they get

So they get (this particular solution)

The best way to couch these parts is using language that speaks to the emotions of your ideal client - frustration, anger, annoyance, fear, worry and so on.

For example:

Hi, I'm Jerry from Acme Insurance. We help home owners in Leawood who are worried they don't have adequate coverage or even that they are over-covered. With us they get over the frustration of not knowing and get the peace of mind they want by knowing they are insured appropriately.

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Jerry Smith is the co-founder of Marketing Action Club, focusing on small service based businesses and independent professionals who want to grow but struggle to attract quality clients consistently.

Visit for a step by step, online program to lead you through producing an effective, attention grabbing introduction for you and your business.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Balancing Your Work, Family and Social Life

Balancing Your Work, Family and Social Life
By Gene Griessman, PhD
            Many of us have an image of personal balance as a set of scales in perfect balance every day. But that's an unrealistic goal. You are in for a lot of frustration if you try to allocate within every day a predetermined portion of time for work, family and your social life.  An illness may upset all your plans. A business project may demand peaks of intense work, followed by valleys of slow time.
            Balance requires continual adjustments, like an acrobat on a high wire who constantly shifts his weight to the right and to the left. By focusing on four main areas of your life - emotional/spiritual needs, relationships, intellectual needs and physical needs - at work and away from  work, you can begin to walk the high wire safely.
            Here, drawn from my conversations with many high successful Americans, are ten ideas for balancing all aspects of your life:
1.      Make an appointment with yourself. Banish from your mind the idea that everyone takes precedence over you. Don't use your organizer or calendar just for appointments with others. Give yourself some prime time. Regularly  do something you enjoy. It will recharge your batteries. Once you've put yourself on your calendar, guard those appointments. Kay Koplovitz founder of the USA cable television network, which is on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Koplovitz ran the daily operations of the network for 21 years. For more than two decades, there was always some potential claim on her time. Therefore she vigilantly protected a scheduled tennis match just as she would a business appointment.
2.      Care for your body. Having a high energy level is a trait held by many highly successful people. No matter what your present level of energy, you can increase it by following these steps:
Eat. Don't skip meals. Your physical and mental energy depend upon nourishment. Irregular eating patterns can cause a frayed temper, depression, lack of creativity and a nervous stomach.
Exercise. Over and over again, highly successful people mention the benefit of exercise routines. Johnetta Cole, president of Bennett College for Women and former president of Spelman College, does a four-mile walk each morning. She calls it her mobile meditation. The benefits of exercise are mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. If you are healthier and have more stamina, you can work better and longer.
Rest. A psychologist who has studied creative people reports that they rest often and sleep a lot.
3.      Cut some slack. You do not have to do everything. Just the right things. Publisher Steve Forbes taught me a lesson: "Don't be a slave to your in-box. Just because there's something there doesn't mean you have to do it." As a result, every evening, I extract from my long list to-do list just a few "musts" for the following day. If, but three o'clock the next day, I've crossed off all the "musts," I know that everything else I do that day will be icing on the cake. It is a great psychological plus for me.
There is nothing wrong with pushing yourself hard, disciplining yourself to
do what needs to be done when you hold yourself to the highest standards. That builds up stamina and turns you into a pro. At time, though, you must forgive yourself. You will never become 100 percent efficient, nor should you expect to be. After something does not work, ask yourself, "Did I do my best? If you did, accept the outcome. All you can do is all you can do.
4.      Blur the boundaries. Some very successful people achieve balance by setting aside times or days for family, recreation, hobbies or the like. They create boundaries around certain activities and protect them. Other individuals who are just as successful do just the opposite. They blur the boundaries. Says consultant Alan Weiss, "I work out of my home. In the afternoon, I might be watching my kids play at the pool or be out with my wife. On Saturday, or at ten o'clock on a weeknight, I might be working. I do things when the spirit moves me, and when they're appropriate."
Some jobs don't lend themselves to this strategy. But blurring the boundaries is possible more often than you may think. One way is to involve people you care about in what you do. For example, many companies encourage employees to bring their spouses to conferences and annual meetings. It's a good idea. If people who mean a great deal to you understand what you do, they can share more fully in your successes and failures. They also are more likely to be a good sounding board for your ideas.
5.      Take a break. Many therapists believe that taking a break from a work routine can have major benefits for mental and physical health. Professional speaker and executive coach Barbara Pagano practices a kind of quick charge, by scheduling a day every few months with no agenda. For her, that means staying in her pajamas, unplugging the phone, watching old movie or reading a novel in bed. For that one day, nothing happens, except what she decides from hour to hour. Adds singer and composer Billy Joel, "There are times when you need to let the field lie fallow." Joel is describing what farmers often do: let a plot rest so the soil can replenish itself.
6.      Take the road less traveled. Occasionally, get off the expressway and take a side road, literally and figuratively. That road may take you to the library or to the golf course. Do something out of the ordinary to avoid the well-worn grooves of your life. Try a new route to work, a different radio station or a different cereal. Break out of your old mold occasionally, with a new way to dress or a different hobby. The road less traveled can be a reward after a demanding event, a carrot that you reward your self with or it can be a good way to loosen up before a big event. Bobby Dodd, the legendary football coach at Georgia Tech, knew the power of this concept. While other coaches were putting their teams through brutal twice-a-day practices, Dodd's team did their drills and practices, but then took time to relax, play touch football and enjoy the bowl sites. Did the idea work? In six straight championships games!
7.      Be still. Susan Taylor, editorial director of Essence, sees to it that she has quiet time every morning. She regards it as a time for centering - for being still and listening. She keeps a paper and pen with her to jot down ideas that come to her. The way you use solitary time should match your values, beliefs and temperament. Some individuals devote a regular time each day to visualize themselves attaining their goals and dreams. Others read, pray, meditate, do yoga or just contemplate a sunrise or sunset. Whatever form it takes, time spent alone can have an enormous payoff. Achievers talk about an inner strength they find and how it helps them put competing demands into perspective. They feel more confident about their choices and more self-reliant. They discover a sense of balance, a centeredness.
8.      Be a peacetime patriot. Joe Posner has achieved wealth and recognition selling life insurance. Several years ago, Posner helped form an organization in his hometown of Rochester, NY to prepare underprivileged children for school and life and, he hopes, break the poverty cycle. You may find some equally worthy way to give something back through your church, hospital, civic club, alumni association or by doing some pro bono work. Or you may help individuals privately, even anonymously. There are powerful rewards for balancing personal interests with the needs of the common good. One of the most wonderful is the sheer joy that can come from giving. Another  reward is the better world that you help create.
9.      Do what you love to do. As a boy, Aaron Copeland spent hours listening to his sister practice the piano because he loved music. By following that love, he became America's most famous composer of classical must. When I asked him years later if he had even been disappointed by that choice Copeland replied, "My life has been enchanting." What a word to sum up a life. By itself, loving what you do does not ensure success. You need to be good at what you love. But if you love what you do, the time you spend becoming competent is less likely to be drudgery.
10.  Focus on strategy. As important as it is, how to save time for balancing your life is not the ultimate question. That question is, "What am I saving time for?" Strategy has to do with being successful - but successful at what? If others pay your salary, being strategic generally means convincing them that you are spending your time in a way that benefits them. If there is a dispute over how you should use your time, either convince the people who can reward or punish you that your idea about using time is appropriate, or look for another job. The "what for?" question should also be asked about the life you live. It is truly a comprehensive question and gets at the question of wholeness.
So what makes for a successful balance life? I can think of no better definition than the one given by Ralph Waldo Emerson:
     To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because I have lived. This is to have succeeded.

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Gene Griessman, PhD, is an Atlanta-based author, workshop leader and speaker. His books include Time Tactics of Very Successful People and The Words Lincoln Lived By. To learn more about Dr. Griessman’s products and speaking engagements, visit him online at

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Social Networking - Using it to Build Your Business

Social Networking is, without a doubt, one of the greatest methods you can use to promote any product or business opportunity. With thousands of people jumping on the Internet and joining social networking sites such as Facebook, Internet Marketers realize there is a great opportunity to build their business and their income by using them.

If you have ever used sites like Facebook and MySpace then you will know that these sites allow you to meet up and connect with other people. You know that these sites also allow you to send messages to your contacts and share pictures with them. It is also easy enough to post a URL to them so they can visit other sites.

There is great potential for making money with these sites as long as you follow correct methods. In this article I aim to show you the correct things to do and what to avoid. Used properly you can quickly build a list of targeted prospects who are interested in your product or service.

Social Networking - Using it to Build Your Business

STEP 01 - Set up a Profile page

Any professional marketer will tell you that "branding yourself" is an important part of any business. This involves people getting to know and trust you. Setting up a profile page is the first most important step you should take so you can introduce yourself to your contacts and show them who you are and what you can offer them.

With so many scams on the Internet, people are not so keen in buying from just anybody. Therefore it is important to convince these people that you are a genuine person who they can learn to trust. A profile page help you to do this by allowing you to display some personal details such as your name, a picture and a general introduction.

Your profile page should not be a sales pitch. You should not fill it with ads and give people the impression that you only want to sell to them. Instead you should focus on branding yourself by putting as much general information about yourself as possible. Your main objective here is to build relationships with your contacts. This is what social networking is all about.

Your profile should cover information such as hobbies, your job and your family. Mention the books you like to read, movies you like to watch, music you like to listen to. Pictures of yourself and your family on holiday. Your goals and dreams. And finally - information about what you are offering people with a link to the site with the offer.

You should also offer a way people can contact you. Either by a phone number, email address or by an instant messenger such as Skype. One to one contact goes a long way in building business relationships.

STEP 02 - Building Your Contact List

When you start looking for people to connect with - don't just add any person to build a huge contact list in a short time. Remember that you are looking for targeted prospects who will be interested in what you have to offer. So only connect with people with certain interests.

For example - supposing I want people to join my Home Business opportunity, I will be targeting people who are interested in making money working from home. I send them a mail to introduce myself and point them towards my profile. No need to mention my business at this stage.

You may find most people are already promoting a business opportunity or some other money making program. It is worth connecting with them as many people are open to the opportunity of joining another business, either as a replacement business or as a second one.

Look for things on their profile you can chat about. Maybe they have hobbies similar to yours, maybe even come from the same country you live. Remember - you are not aiming to sell at this stage. You are aiming to build friendships and business relationships. Do not start promoting your business in your introduction otherwise most people will just delete your mail and maybe even block you from contacting them again.

STEP 03 - Posting Messages

This is where many people (myself included) have made one major mistake when it comes to posting messages on a social networking site. They have made all their messages promotional ones.

When people check their email they quickly scan through them looking for ones they want to read and delete the rest. The same applies when people are reading messages sent to them by their contacts. If they see a load of messages promoting some program from someone they don't really know then they are not likely to read your message.

For this reason you need to promote yourself and not your product. Get to know your contacts and they are most likely to read your mails. Here is an example of a welcome mail to send your contacts.


My name is (your name). I've just been looking at your profile and it seems we share the same interests in making money online. I would like you to read my profile and get to know a little about me. I also look forward to keeping in contact with you and hopefully sharing some interesting information with you.

(Your name)

Once you've shared a few mails then you can stand promoting your products or business. But don't use sales talk, use normal conversation. Remember that you are talking to your contact as a friend. Here is an example of a message promoting a product using normal conversation.


Hope you are well. I am fine, just been busy with the children and some tasks around the house.

I've been looking at this website which looks quite promising. It seems you can get your own domain for a month which includes a site builder and a great compensation plan. I don't know if you've heard of it but it's called GDI. I've just joined it today and I've included the URL for you just in case you want to check it out.

So what have you been up to lately?

(Your name)

Notice that this message is not using sales talk to create a presentation. It is simply one friend sharing something with another. By posting messages like this you are more likely to get your URL seen.

Notice the line that asks the contact what they have been up to? This encourages them to reply to your message because you have asked them a question. As part of their reply they will probably tell you that they have looked at the site you sent them or will at least promise to look later. Meaning there is a good chance they will sign up as they trust your recommendation as a friend.

Finally, make sure you send your contacts some useful and free information from time to time. This could be a link to a great article you've read or some free giveaway software. This helps to build your business relationship with them so they don't think of you as someone who just wants their money.


Social Networking will help you build up a list of quality prospects who you can sell to again and again. Most of them are free to join so you don't have to worry about your marketing budget.

Many of them allow you to start a group where you can have discussions on different subjects. So starting a group based around your product can help gain you a few sales. For example - if you sold herbal products you could start a discussion about various products and start recommending the ones you sell.

Most important, social networking is fun and you can meet a lot of good friends through it. More and more people are joining these sites which means thousands of potential customers in the future. So get yourself signed up for at least one site and good luck :)

Dean Sharples

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Dean Sharples is an Internet Marketer and Article Writer with a passion for teaching people how to make money working from home. He leaves in Rochdale, England with his wife Intan.

You can read more of his guides and articles at Home Business School

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

7 Ways to Attract a Capricorn Man

Capricorn men are ambitious, hard working and determined and if you want to attract one, you'll need to use these traits to win the heart of this energetic workaholic.

How to attract a Capricorn man

1 Capricorn men are slow, steady and stable, and they use this approach with everything they do, including romantic relationships. Come on too strong, too soon with a Capricorn man and they'll not want to know you. Take things slowly, forming a firm friendship first with a Capricorn man. Only when he feels secure in your company and knows he can trust you will he want to move the relationship from friendship to romance.

7 Ways to Attract a Capricorn Man

2. Wear something in the colour green. The colour green is very attractive to a Capricorn man, firstly as it relates to their earthy qualities, and secondly because it is the colour that represents money, luck and good fortune. Capricorn men and money just go ,together.

3. Capricorn men are very ambitious, hard working and career orientated. So you'll need to accept that work comes first with him and be supportive and encouraging of his dreams and ambitions. If you are too demanding of his time and critical of his work/life balance, he will soon get bored of you.

4 To attract a Capricorn man try inviting him to a social event where he can mix and mingle with your friends and family. Capricorn men are very social and will admire you if you also have plenty of family and friends . They are also ambitious social climbers and will use the social event as a networking venue to further their career goals. They'll love you for that.

5 Capricorn men can rarely openly show their feelings or emotions. They are also uncomfortable with women who are overly emotional or sensitive. They like their women to be strong, independent, honest and trustworthy.

6 Impress your Capricorn man by cooking him a meal. Capricorn men love women who are great homemakers and will be flattered that you have gone to the trouble of cooking a fabulous meal for him. Make the meal simple, tasty and filling, rather than overly fancy and you'll melt his heart.

7 An attraction Spell, either cast by you or by a professional Spell caster or Witch will help to attract a Capricorn male. If it is written in the stars that your destiny is to be with a Capricorn man, than you might try to help destiny along a little. Real Magic uses mysterious, subtle yet tried and tested methods to attract a lover. And even if you are a little skeptical, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Different Methods of Social Network Marketing

Social network marketing is popularly called as Internet marketing. Today you can find many ways for internet marketing. Many people who enter this online marketing are less worried because of its guaranteed success. If you see in Internet totally all types of products has been marketed online without much effort. Internet attracts many business people to promote their business online. Social network marketing is grown to such a height that today many people can't earn without it.

Some of the most recognized network marketing tools are Face book, My Space and LinkedIn. Twitter became regular place for people who have newly entered the field of social network marketing.

Different social networking marketing methods are as follows.

Different Methods of Social Network Marketing

1. Blogging: When you start Blogging or posting your data about any product, you can see less response from clients. Later it will become big business via blog. Websites and blogs are most powerful tools for social network marketing when matched with other networking tools. Blog is an amazing tool which provides many other facilities in addition to just marketing your business. It also helps you to communicate with other clients in case if you have any problems.

2. Personal website or blog: It is important to have private website if you are a freelancer. Your website will help your clients to know about you and it will make them clear that you are a serious freelance marketer and help to make huge revenue via online marketing.

3. Article selling: It is also best and cheap internet marketing method. It is a mode of advertising our trade just by writing articles and attracting endless number of users across world. We usually sell our articles to different article database websites and article directories. Today it provided free business to many advertisers and publishers and they are really benefited through their articles.

4. Email sending: Electronic mail sending is the best way to marketing. Collect list of email addresses through portfolio websites and email about your business to all internet users. Your Email should be attractive in such a way that your recipient will be impressed to get back to you.

5. Use social networking websites: Social networking websites like Twitter, face book can be used to promote your sales. These provide best platform for all who are thinking of online marketing.

6. Video promotion: Use several video distribution websites for your marketing. These websites uploads your service to the whole world. All that you need to do is film a video about marketing and send it to video uploading sites like You Tube. It seems it is the easiest way of marketing than any other modes since many people will be interested in view videos rather than word form of advertisement.

7. Press Release or media release: It attracts several public clients and increases relationship among them.

8. Search Engine Optimization: It improves the traffic to your website by providing quality web content. It uses RSS feeds and many SEO techniques.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Self-Empowerment Strategies to Overcome Social Isolation

Social isolation and disengagement are becoming epidemic in our society and there seems to be little hope of this trend abating in the near future. The reasons for this are mixed and somewhat complex, however, the outcome is clearer: people who are isolated are not fully enjoying the fruits of living in this "land of plenty" and are denied one of the most fundamental needs for survival - the opportunity to have fellowship and belonging with others. Some writers differentiate between being isolated and choosing disengagement, the former being a result of forces beyond one's control and the latter a choice.

Whatever the distinctions between the sources of isolation, it is just as potent, and as potentially catastrophic, to those in both groups. As a domain of personal power, social isolation and disengagement have serious implications. The realm of collective or social identity is a cornerstone of empowerment and isolation from the social or collective aspect can unravel the whole network of supports required to achieve or maintain personal power. You have likely experienced isolation at various times in your own life. The experience is routinely reported as being unpleasant and alienating. Those forcibly separated or stranded from human contact are often on a fast track to mental and emotional collapse. Those who live among us, and are still socially isolated, fare little better and likely feel even lonelier than those forced into separation from the mainstream.

If you suffer from isolation, whatever the cause, it is important to become fully aware of what it is doing to you and take steps to remedy this condition. According to a recent review of a study by Brummet, Dr James House of University of Michigan affirms that social isolation is hazardous to health and often deadly. The article provides another confirmation, recognized in research over the previous 20 25 years, of the deleterious effects on health of social isolation. Social isolation has been shown to contribute to higher mortality, especially among medically vulnerable groups of individuals. As some attribute one of the chief sources of anxiety to isolation, it is notable that anxiety is linked to physical health problems such as asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, and coronary heart disease.

Self-Empowerment Strategies to Overcome Social Isolation

As anxiety levels increase, the quality of life potentially decreases, particularly for untreated anxiety. Some compare the risk associated with social isolation to those of cigarette smoking and other major biomedical and psychosocial risk factors. Isolated individuals report fewer interactions with others, fewer sources of psychological/emotional and instrumental support, and lower levels of religious activity; however, once the deficiency was removed, adding additional relationships to a social network did not produce substantial or significant increases in health and well-being. This suggests that those most profoundly affected by isolation gain the most with the least intervention. Whether a person has regular interaction with family members, friends or other groups seems less important than that the person has one or more of these social ties.

In other studies, social disconnectedness has been found to be a contributing cause for the increase of anxiety levels among the general population. With increased divorce rates and more people living alone; some suggest that interpersonal trust has become a large problem in this country. Some writers, across disciplines, suggest that the idea of individualism in American culture may be contributing to these changes: "Our greater autonomy may lead to increased challenges and excitement, but it also leads to greater isolation from others, more threats to our bodies and minds, and thus higher levels of free-floating anxiety" according to Twenge. The fact that traditional social institutions and networks don't supply the same levels of social support as in earlier generations is certainly a consideration.

Fewer people turn to church or other networks to meet their social or material needs. Some studies suggest that for many families, the only social institution retaining any importance is the workplace, with employees turning to this network to meet most or all of their social and material needs. While family and community are not exactly disintegrating as some suggest, they are changing in radical new ways. There is a strong relationship between the experience of emotional neglect in childhood and feelings of social isolation or loneliness in adulthood. This may change as individuals adapt to unconventional lifestyles and childhood "neglect" becomes the norm, but not anytime soon.

Many commentators believe that a feeling of belongingness and closeness in communities would likely impact the incidence of isolation; however, the community is not a reliable agent to reach out to the disconnected and disenfranchised. As community empowerment is still just a catch-phrase in most areas, self-empowerment strategies are the only reliable means for each individual to attain some level of connectedness and combat their own isolation.

Self-Empowerment Strategies

Self empowerment means taking your power, so you will have to act powerfully, that is, you will have to start by pushing against your own self-imposed limitations, however, this gets easier the further you progress. Getting started is always the hardest part! Start slow, and you will be amazed at your own accomplishments in no time - just be sure to start. Here is a list of suggestions, somewhat in their order of increasing intensity and exposure to social stressors.

1) You can start on the computer - what a great instrument for connecting people. If you're reading this, you are already starting, you obviously have the skills. Google an online group or community that would have some compelling interest for you. If you're into movies, look for a chat room or forum concerning movies and start getting involved. You can start by saying you haven't been able to get out for a while and you'd appreciate any tips on what's hot at the cinema and let it go from there. You get the idea. One or several of these contacts could turn into a real-life encounter. Maybe the local chapter goes to a movie together once a month, or has a party - here's your chance to venture out a little.

2) Take the idea of common interest a step further. Most communities are full of opportunities to get together, face-to-face, with like-minded souls. It's much easier if you have things in common. Whatever your passion is, make finding an appropriate group that shares it your priority. A casual meeting is probably the best place to start. That will likely develop into other opportunities and friendships, but start not too far out of your comfort zone. Whether it's rock climbing, amateur dramatics, ceramics or speaking Spanish, you'll find courses and clubs in your area (see your local paper or adult education centre for more details). What's more, you'll automatically have a common interest with the people you meet. This is new territory, take it somewhat slow - but take it! volunteering is a good option for a lot of folks as it not only gives structure to your people encounters, it takes the focus off of you and puts it on whoever the recipients of your volunteer efforts may be.

3) Consider a support group or self-help group. If the previous steps are too overwhelming, then you certainly qualify. There are a number of self-help groups that would be appropriate for the symptoms and issues associated with social isolation. Emotions Anonymous, or any other appropriate 12 step program can be a powerful resource to help you transition from isolation to active social involvement. If even this seems to daunting, a paid group therapeutic experience may be the answer. This is a totally safe and protected group activity that would help you gain enough strength to then transition to a self-help group model and from there - the sky's the limit.

4) Establish your "social identity". This is about deriving strength and power from the meaningful groups of which you're a part. Involvement in groups, relationships, partnerships that give depth and meaning to your life are critical. You will have to do some in-depth self examination here to find out where you fit. Throw your fears to the wind and imagine, if you could be involved with any group, organizations or set of individuals in the entire world - who would they be? Then go about making it a reality. Maybe you really want to be part of an academic community - OK - it's yours for the taking. Break the process up into small, manageable pieces. We call that partialization in the mental health business.

5) If you already have a social life of sorts, but simply don't choose to be active with it for whatever reason, you can try altering your usual routines such as meeting friends straight from work/college rather than going home first; try some different activities like museums and galleries, or coffee shops. You can schedule attending events or courses in advance, activities you can't back out of at the last minute. If you really can't make it out, invite friends over or have a conference call with them. You can have an impromptu gathering by asking guests to bring something to contribute like music, food, drink and films.

6) You may be one of the unfortunates who suffer from a true social anxiety disorder or social phobia. If you suspect this is the case, get evaluated and if necessary, get medical intervention. Medication may be appropriate for some who just can't make the changes otherwise. Even a short-term regimen could be beneficial. Some studies suggest reduced dopamine levels contribute to social isolation and the some of the newer antidepressants can address this rather effectively.

7) Feed your spirit - whatever that means to you. For many of us, developing that inner strength, or connecting to a bigger energy source, gives us the motivation and desire to move forward. Some simple spiritual ideas: "I'm not in this alone"; "only unrealistic fears hold me back" and "the universe wants me to be fulfilled". These are simple affirmations that can hold great power and help us get into action. Write your own if these don't work. The point is that it is our old negative ideas that are the real obstacle in most cases. Seed your conscious with new positive ideas and watch yourself take off. These will also speak to your lack of confidence and esteem which play havoc with a social identity and social life. Start to emphasize your positive qualities and learn to appreciate what others admire in you; work those into your affirmations.

8) If you have the stomach for it, you can also utilize your online skills to find a date or companion. It is a rather anonymous way to break the ice and begin to build some rapport, resulting in, hopefully, a face-to-face. Traditional dating agencies are also still on the scene and can make the experience a little safer as well. The way to think of these experiences is a practice run for what will eventually be "the real thing". We often over exaggerate the significance of a date or encounter with another as something that we have to make work. Try to just have the experience, however it goes, and learn from it. There is no timetable to find your mate and settle in. However, you do need to spend time with others and this is a perfectly acceptable way to do that.

Good luck, add to this list as you move forward. In time, the activities involved in breaking your social isolation won't be something you're working on but something you're looking forward to.

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Douglas Frans, Ph.D. Has been a mental health practitioner, educator, lecturer and researcher over a 30 year professional career. His primary clinical work has focused on personal empowerment [] and compulsive disorders including: addiction and eating disorders. He has worked in private practice settings and also directed mental health, addiction and eating disorder recovery programs. He has practiced primarily from a competency-based perspective. Dr. Frans consults and writes about water quality [] issues and water filtration as well.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

How Can I Locate Someone at No Charge? - Just Do This

You may be asking, how can I locate someone at no charge? Well I know of several ways you can use.

Almost all of the people locator websites I know will try and get you to pay a certain price for accessing their database. This might be in the form of a small fee for additional content or profile information or in the form of getting your contact details in exchange. That is, you give them yours they give you the one you are looking for.

So essentially you should decide what you consider to be a charge based on what is important to you. What I mean is that, you can choose to give away your contact information and access the information you are looking or you can use the limited free information that is provided at the first phase of your search.

How Can I Locate Someone at No Charge? - Just Do This

By the way what I have just discussed above is relevant only if you decide to use a people locator and not other "manual" alternative, which I discuss briefly below.

Now my best answer to the question, how can I locate someone at no charge is that you need to search through some social networking sites. These carry millions of profiles on different people across the globe. The trick here is that you will need to register first - give away your personal details first.

My last option on how you can locate someone at no charge is through websites that source their information from a variety of people based websites online. It's like those comparison websites you go to before you shop online. In this case the sites focus on finding the best locator that has all the information you are looking for.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

The Advantages of Social Networking

It's great to have friends but you have to admit that there are certain interests you or they have, which neither is not interested in. When this happens, it is time to expand our circle and that is just one of the advantages of social networking.

Social networking enables people who share the same interests to hang out together and this simply means that you are able to make new friends. If for example you are interested in basketball, no one there will get tired of talking about the players or the game which occurred last night or several years ago.

Since most social networking is done over the web, you get to meet individuals from other countries and learn about their culture. How many people do you know keep in touch with someone across the Atlantic or the Pacific? Given that you share something in common, you get to communicate with that person regularly that is very similar to hooking up with your friends after work or school.

The Advantages of Social Networking

From a business point of view, the first two advantages of social networking enable you to meet new clients and expand your business because most of these sites allow you to customize your webpage and provide links to your personal website.

Just to give you a few examples, there is Multiply, MySpace, Friendster, Facebook and Classmates. With so many around, you won't have a hard time looking for a social network that you like. You can even post ads here so you can inform other members of an event that you are hosting.

The best part about becoming a member of a social network is that majority of these is free. This means that you don't have to pay any fees. All you have to do is sign up by filling up the form and then activating the link when this is sent to you via email. Now that you are a member, you can invite other friends to join and look at other profiles.

The advantages of social networking will allow you to make new friends, promote your business and best of all, won't cost you a thing. But there are some social networking sites that will require you to pay a fee. Before you sign up, consider if this value for your money.

Will social networking sites ever replace meeting people in social events and other gatherings? Of course not because all this medium does is give you more exposure. It allows you to put your best qualities out there especially when first impressions last.

When you join a social networking site, never post any private information about yourself unless you are ready to have people get in touch with you. You shouldn't also put anything embarrassing about yourself because some people have been denied employment because of the information posted.

If there are "privacy" settings in your social networking site, you are advised to use it so you can control who has access to your personal information.

A lot of experts say that social networking is here to stay so we have to take advantage of it. When you do join a social networking site, keep an open and see if this is exactly what you wanted. If not, cancel your account until you find the one that you like.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Disadvantages of Social Media

We are living in a world filled with the social media craze. From Facebook to Twitter, the world has embraced the new tools that help thousands interact each day no matter where they are. There are so many merits that come with social media and this is undeniable. However, what many forget are the down sides. All good things will have flaws and the following are insights into the disadvantages of social media. Statistics have shown that young people form the bulk of the fan base when it comes to social media outlets. However, those who are in all kinds of businesses are also avid users to further their cause. The following are some of the top cons that business people have to face when they employ the services of different social media.

The first disadvantage to speak about can also be an advantage. I'm talking about the viral potential of the media. In other words, when you have some news or item to share with an audience, it can spread like bushfire all around the world. When this news is negative or in bad taste, the same will happen. This is where the disadvantage comes in. It is hard to undertake damage control when you are dealing with social media and your good name might be soiled within hours.

Another one of the top disadvantages worth a mention is the need for intensive labor. If you intend to build a brand and a name through social media, you must be ready to spend time updating your audience on all the relevant issues. Once you become established, you will tend to have a bigger crowd and it can be difficult to meet the needs of all people increasing you labor greatly. However, to remedy this, you can put in place a networking campaign that is manageable and grow gradually.

Disadvantages of Social Media

Another thing to mention is that you must be ready to connect with your audience at all time. According to experts the law of reciprocity will apply. In other words, you need to give and take. If you have updated helpful information on a network, a person who is interested might respond and it is upon you to reply their queries and satisfy their curiosity. This is the essence of social media and if not done properly, your audience might loose faith in you. There are people who evade this and other disadvantages of social media by establishing themselves are entities that give updates that are promotional in nature. This way, the audience will take and run with what they have.

Finally on the disadvantages, you will be required to stay abreast with all upcoming sites and be ready to make the necessary change. If you are not adaptive, then you might be in trouble because social media in nature will change constantly. You need to keep in touch with all the latest in this industry because this is the sure way to safeguard the interests of your business. Remember, social networking for business gain will help you move to heights you have not been to before. Therefore, know the pitfalls discussed above and steer clear of them if you are to win in this game.

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Emma Wanjiku is an experienced writer who focusses on issues affecting you. Her research is based on all aspects and topics of life. For more tips and information go to

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Social Networking, The Pros and Cons of Social Networks

Social Networking has become increasingly popular nowadays as there are a lot of sites that offer this service. MySpace and Friendster are two of the most popular sites that aim to build communities of people who share common interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.


A social networking site is like a virtual meeting place where people can hang out and discuss different topics. Anything under the sun, in fact. Some use these networking sites to promote their blogs, to post bulletins and updates or to use them as a bridge to a future love interest.

Social Networking, The Pros and Cons of Social Networks

These are just a few of the reasons why social networking is getting a lot of attention lately -- it makes life more exciting for many people.


However, it would be best to make sure that safety and security are the topmost concerns of the social networking site that you currently use. This is because social networking sites require or give you the option to provide personal information such as your name, location, and email address. Unfortunately some people can take this as an opportunity for identity theft. They can copy your information and pretend to be "you" when engaging in illegal activities. Bad news! So be cautious with what you enter into an online networking site.

You could fall into the trap of someone who pretends to be somebody else. For example, they might offer you a job or want to meet up with you just to get your money. This can lead to cyberstalking, where the stalker uses electronic media such as the Internet to pursue or harass you.


So take your time and be careful in choosing who to trust so you can hopefully avoid this sort of unpleasant thing happening to you. Apart from that, social networking is great thing.

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