Sunday, February 17, 2013

Benefits of Social Media: Why Is It Important?

Social media is being used for all sorts of purposes these days. Oh, you haven't become part of it yet? Are you wondering what all the fuss is about? Read on to find out some of the advantages for you and your business when you become involved with the social media of today.

Keep Track of the Competition

You can join competitors Facebook pages or follow them on their Twitter or other social media accounts. This will allow you to see what is going on with them so you can formulate plans to get a leg up on them

Benefits of Social Media: Why Is It Important?

Getting the Brand Established and Making Others Aware

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are the three major social networks right now. Publicizing your brand on them will make people aware of your business. If you still need to create an online image for your business, the social media sites are where you should start today.

A More Personalized Approach to Pitching a Product

The social media allows you a more personalized approach for pitching a product. You can even engage customers in conversations and ask them how they like your product. Encourage them to give you feedback so that you can better know how to serve them.

Build More Customer Trust and Loyalty

Communicating with your customers in a more personal fashion makes them feel more like friends than just customers. This will make them have more trust in you and they will want to do business with you more than your competitors.

Helps Showcase Your Products

It is easier to showcase your products with social media. This brings attention to them much faster than other forms of promotion.

Listen to the Opinions of Your Customers

Social network websites are an effective method of listening in on the opinions your customers have on not only your products but also the company as a whole. Use these opinions constructively to improve your products to meet their desire or needs better.

Have More Effective Customer Service

You can use social media to give more effective customer service. This is a convenient way for your customers to ask questions and get the necessary answers. It is also cheaper than special phone setups and long distance charges.

In addition to the above things that social media does for your business it can do the following for you personally:

Develop Your Own Reputation

The social media sites are a good way to get your name known throughout the Internet and for you to discuss what you are interested in. This is the way to develop a reputation online, which is important for making business contacts or looking for a new place of employment.

The above are just some of the ways social media can be used to promote you and your business venture. It is so popular today that it would be to your advantage to make use of it.

Benefits of Social Media: Why Is It Important?
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Dr. Doreen McGunagle is a growth expert for small businesses. For more information visit

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